Department of Mathematics
As the crests on the heads of peacocks, as the gems on the hoods of cobras, so is Mathematics, at the top of all sciences (The Yajurveda, Circa 600 B.C.). Department of Mathematics is one of the oldest departments in the college. Department of Mathematics was established in the year 2008 with the B.Sc., programme and then upgraded as the Post Graduate Department in the year 2015. The department possess a team of 10 well qualified and highly dedicated faculty members serving in the college. The Department has competent faculties, actively involved in teaching, learning and research. The combined efforts of students and staff members have produced fantastic outcomes, with an on-going rise in the number of students earning grades of 90% or higher on papers. Our alumni have occupied leading positions in industries and institutes. For pupils to get ready for several competitive exams, the department also offers aptitude classes.
- To impart quality education in Mathematics for students of this region.
- To provide an environment where students can learn, become competent users of Mathematics, and understand the applications of Mathematics in other disciplines.
- To provide a platform to the students to exhibit their talents, creativity and focus on research.
- To develop Mathematicians at the Institutional, State, and National levels and to become a preeminent department in the State by teaching Mathematics and developing future professionals, providing them the chance to participate in Interdisciplinary Research.
- To provide platform to acquire abilities to solve real life problems using analytical/numerical/graphical techniques.
- To explore applications of mathematics and statistics and engage in collaborative research in an interdisciplinary environment.
- The mission of the Mathematics Department is to have a positive and long – lasting impact on Mathematics education, with a focus on the applications of Mathematics to many fields of science and engineering in order to address the state’s current, dynamic concerns.
- To involve faculty in research which enriches teaching – learning process.